Since 11th June I have not been involved in the running of the Bletchley Blues Club. I am helping Mark take management of the website, the mailing list and other things that I have done to help in the management of our blues club.

I will continue to promote the blues club with my busking sessions and will hope to do more with my Blues in Schools project. If anyone wants to get involved with that, please do get in touch.
Those of you who ask about my mum, this is nothing to do with her condition. She is as good as I can hope for and is generally in good spirits.
I hope we have managed to bring you some great nights of music and I’m sure that some of you have made new friends at the club. I know I have.
I shall still attend some gigs, so you will still see me about, though not on the door.
All the best and in the words of Bob Hite (if you don’t know, look him up)
Don’t forget to boogie!


We are building a community to help promote blues music,
 in all its forms, to a wider audience and provide Milton Keynes
with a not for profit club that continues to attract high quality acts.